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[원서] Brian Tracy - Get Paid More and Get Promoted Faster - Choose the Right Company

열정 전파자 2023. 5. 3. 04:12

Choose the Right Company


In the meantime, many other industries have leveled off or are actually declining in economic importance and employment.

한편, 다른 많은 산업들은 경제적 중요성과 고용 측면에서 수준을 유지하거나 실제로 감소하고 있습니다.

*level off : 상승이나 하락 추세가 멈추고 일정한 수준으로 유지되는 것을 의미합니다. 즉, 증가율이나 감소율이 둔화되어 일정한 수준에서 안정되는 것을 말합니다.

Look upon your special combination of talents and abilities as a precious resource, like money, and view the job market as a place where you are going to invest yourself to get the very highest return. Treat your mental, emotional, and physical energies as your "human capital," to be allocated in such a way as to give you the maximum payoff. Be perfectly selfish when it comes to committing your life and your work to a particular company or a particular industry.

당신의 특별한 재능과 능력의 조합을 돈과 같은 귀중한 자원으로 여기고, 직업 시장을 자신이 가장 높은 수익을 얻기 위해 투자하는 곳으로 생각해보세요. 자신의 정신적, 감성적, 신체적 에너지를 "인적 자본"으로 여겨, 최대 수익을 얻기 위해 할당하세요. 특정 회사나 산업에 자신의 인생과 일을 헌신할 때는 완벽하게 이기적으로 행동하세요.

* payoff : 노력, 투자, 혹은 시간에 대한 결과로 얻게 되는 이익이나 보상을 의미

When you find the right job in the right company, you should then throw your whole heart into doing that job in an excellent fashion. Continually look for ways to increase your value. This strategy will put you in a perfect position to be paid more and promoted faster in the months and years ahead.

당신이 적합한 회사에서 적합한 직무를 찾게 된다면, 그 일을 최고 수준으로 완수하기 위해 전력을 다해야 합니다. 지속적으로 자신의 가치를 높일 방법을 찾아야 합니다. 이 전략은 앞으로 수개월, 수년 안에 더 많은 보상과 빠른 승진의 기회를 제공할 것입니다.

* in an excellent fashion : 매우 우수한 방식으로



What skills and abilities are necessary to get promoted in overseas media distribution?

I believe that there are several skills required to get promoted in my job. Firstly, having strong English communication skills is crucial for communicating effectively with potential or current clients. Secondly, the ability to understand and respect different cultures and customs is also essential. This enables smooth business negotiations and communication in various cultural regions. Lastly, collaboration skills with team members and foreign partner companies are crucial. Providing high-quality services through teamwork will be beneficial for career advancement.


