자기계발 꿀정보/영어 공부
[영어] 오늘의 문장 수집
열정 전파자
2021. 12. 11. 08:22
What's your gut tell you?
고민이 있다는 친구에게, 너의 직감은 뭐라고 하는데? 라고 물어보는 장면
A : I got this whole work thing stressing me out.
B : It's your lucky day. You have an audience with a titan of industry without having to buy the $15-a-plate dinner ticket. What's the issue?
A : Well, I got this job offer at this really big firm, but um... I've actually been thinking about maybe starting my own practive.
B : What's your gut tell you?
A : I don't know. I would like to have my own firm, but that's really scary.